Nov 02, 2006 15:29
I feel like I should update. I'm doing pretty okay right now. I was a sexy school girl for Halloween, which was an adorable costume...except for the fact that I didn't too much like my belly fat. But you know, I don't work out so what do I really expect. It was a pretty fun Halloween. I didn't have a party or go to the Village or go Trick or Treating or do like, a Samhain ritual (Am I even Wiccan anymore?)...I was going to enthrall you all with a list of everything I did. No. It was nic etimes with people I like. It was chill and fun. I've been having some random issues because yes, the future is still coming in closer and I don't know if I'm any closer to figuring my life out or anything. I guess I still always want the answers to be simple and they're not. But I still care about who I care about and what I care about. And I want to deal with things but I'm afraid I don't know how. And I still don't know if I blow things out of proportion. And I still make stupid mistakes. Who doesn't?
angst angst angst