May 10, 2006 07:22
May 10th
I was prescribed AmbienCR & My CPAP was turned down.
I took that and fell asleep on my stomach with my cpap on.
I woke up at 6AM with the mask completely off my face with all it's straps tangled up. The plastic piece that connects the rubber hose to the mask had been pulled apart from the mask. The CPAP was still running. I have no recollection at all of doing this, I'm tired but can't go back to sleep. This momentary anmesia scares me a little...
The guys at work are already making Tyler Durden jokes...
Side effects of Ambien can be:
More outgoing and aggressive behavior than normal.
Strange Behavior (I can only take that to mean I would act normal)
Worsening of Depression
Suicidal Thoughts
I'm confused, I'll let you know when I get there...