Err, oops :)

Oct 31, 2003 18:22

IRC log follows. I'm RayMacey. I think the rest speaks for itself. Oops :(

[^A^] If you could get a man to shoot chocolate flavoured semen
[^A^] You'd have women begging to blow you
* Tusker considers that operation that the doc said would cost too much
[^A^] heh!
[smarm] there could be a career in medical research for me yet
[^A^] smarm
[^A^] get onto it
[smarm] rgr
[^A^] Get me a group of your finest, hottest men
[^A^] and I shall test the results
[^A^] See
[smarm] i need some girls to test the my control semen, if we are doing a clinical trial however
[^A^] What I could do for science
[smarm] so thats a yes?
[^A^] hmm
*** RayMacey (raymacey@ has joined channel #whirlpool
[^A^] Is it chocolate flavoured?
*** Mode change "+o RayMacey" for channel #whirlpool by ChanOP
[smarm] it _could_ be
[^A^] hahaha
[smarm] its a randomised trial :)
[^A^] Make it so, and we'll talk
[RayMacey] I like chocolate
[smarm] rgr
[^A^] Ray
[smarm] rofl
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