20 things you probably (don't) know about me...

Jul 16, 2003 20:05

Stolen from most of the people on my friends list...

1. I've moved house around 30 times in my life, yet I hate moving
2. I've been published in a roleplaying sourcebook
3. I've been married and divorced
4. I'm incapable of managing my time effectively. Most people are like this, but I take it to new levels :)
5. I had a younger brother who suicided. Despite wanting to kill him most time I talked to him, I miss him...
6. I'll always have a warm spot in my heart for Freckles, the fox terrier that was part of my family even before I was born.
7. I am confounded by people who don't have good self esteem. I just can't get myself in to their mindset to understand it
8. I have never set foot outside of Australia.
9. I was unemployed for the best part of 4 years after getting kicked out of University
10. I hate shift work :)
11. I'm a slack bastard when it comes to keeping in touch with friends. Yet this has very little bearing on how close of a friend I consider someone
12. I have a really bad dislike of floaties in my washing up water
13. I suffer from cluster headaches
14. I've superglued one of my eyes shut when I mistook the tube for eyecream. Yes, it can happen outside of TV land :)
15. I have spent more time playing Master of Orion 2 than any other single computer game
16. I've broken my arms at three different times and in fact had to have a pin put in my elbow from breaking my funny bone. Certainly not funny...
17. I don't function well on less than 8 hours sleep, but conversely I hate sleep, and get really shitty if I waste more of the day than I have to sleeping
18. I've never really experienced the true grip of depression
19. My real name is Cyron, though I mostly go by my middle name Ray in day to day life
20. I've only ever had one real ongoing job in my life...
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