Last Night Revisited

Mar 30, 2005 12:39

So, I don't know if I promised to do this or not, but last night I thought it would be cool if I did a sort of commentary on last night's super drunk post. This will be a sort of explanation as to what I was thinking when I wrote what I did, if I can remember. So sit back and enjoy the inner thinkings of me. The stuff in bold is new stuff, from today. The rest will will be the original post from last night.

Is it just me or does Conan O'Brien look like he could be Quentin Terentino's Irish dickweed brother? (Here I was watching Conan talk to Al Franken and at just the right angle he sort of looked like Quentin. The dickweed part was me not really knowing what to call him and justify the fact that maybe they don't look alike. It was an escape clause in case everyone thought I was stupid.) Ah dunno. I'm watching Conan for the first time in months and I'bve (Here's a typo. This should obviously be 'I've') had too much 151 to drink. Am I just dumb or what? Oh and you know what? I think Megan is the coolest kid I know. (This was a random thought that popped into my head when I realized I was too drunk. Megan is ALWAYS taking care of me, and I appreciate that. Sometimes I need taking care of. When I started to remember how drunk I was, I realized I needed someone to rake care of me.) She did homework all day and then we had a small fight about me being stupid.(I shouldn't have written this because it's sort of a personal thing. In truth I'm proud of all the work she's doing. This wasn't meant to sound mean or accusatory, in fact it was with a smile on my face becase it was followed by...) But guess what? I love her. I am too drunk to be doing this and she's gonna tell me so tomorrow, but that's okay because Megan is coolet (cooler) than all of you. (At least I knew that I shouldn't be writing this, right???)

Oh, isn't "Hatchet" like the coolest book ever? Brian had to survive in the wild by hjimself (himself). Gary Paulsen is the man. (I don't know why I wrote this, honestly. I must have some how been reminded of Gary Paulsen. I'm trying to figure this out, but I've got nothing. Maybe I just heard the name Brian...oh wait, maybe Conan O'Brian made me think of it? No clue. Sorry folks. Sometimes alcohol is the only reason.)

I heart Superman.(I've been watching the old movies and thinking a lot about Superman. I'd love to write him, but in the same vein as the films. Like world shattering events that only Superman can help. Not just small time things, or villains that are interested in just Superman. I mean like world conquering baddies.)

Tomorrow I mail the application to Noble. I want the job because it means Megan and I havr(have) a plan (goal) to work towards, (Plans are something you're going to do. Goals are things you work for. I think Goals are better because no one gets hurt when the plans change.)

I like cotton 9 (no 9 here, sorry) I lobe (love) ALWAYS) (I'm talking about the feminine products here. Like Tampons or whatever they are. This came into my head because I watched a commercial for Hanes, and they make cotton t-shirts. Seriously...)

No I seriously love Supes. I watched Superman the Mo vie and Superman II in the past few days and I think he's the best. (See above.)

Does anyone else love Will Smith? (I thought this would be funny to write, but guess what...I DO love Will Smith. He's coming out with a new CD.)

Im sorry Natty Ashg (I don't know where the name came from but it's kind of a nickname. I added a 'g' to Ashley's name by accident.) that I didn't burn the Justin Timberlaker CD like I said I would. I forgot. Next week ye ('ye'? What the hell did I just become Shakespearean? Not sure why I thought this would be funny.) shall have Rck Your Body. (Yes, I have the Justine Timberlake CD. No, I didn't buy it. Yes, I secretly love JT. The guy writes awesome songs and can dance. What can I say? Plus, I could probably be him if I tried real hard.)

Clean I will also bring Earth X and Will I shall bring that CD with the wumf shit. (I remembered everything I forgot to bring to Farmington this week, so I thought I should at least write about it. I felt bad cuz I keep saying I will, and never do. It's because I usually pack when I'm in the process of being late for work. So I gave a shout out to those I forgot, with a promise of rewards in the future.)

I'm done. Tomorrow I will write an explanation entry for this one. Kinda like a director's commentary...hold me to it. (See? I did do the director's commentary. At this point in the night, I knew I needed to stop. I finished my last drink and went to bed. Though I probably didn't get to sleep until an hour later. Probably somewhere around three.)

So there you have it, the drunk post with commentary. I think I'm really starting a trend here. I wouldn't be surprised if this starts a huge slew of commentary posts in people's LiveJournals. Thanks for reading the original and this version as well. Peace be with you all.
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