Mar 25, 2013 11:12
In the uni library almost doing some work. Working on a group presentation about the Spanish armada, which is fine at one level cos i'm interested in the armada. At other levels its not so fine.
1. I dont like this group working idea, it leaves me at the mercy of the other people in the group as to just how good or bad the finished work will be. I'd rather stand or fall by just my own abilities, or lack thereof.
2. I know i could use my many years of management experience to take control and 'motivate/lead' the group to better things, but thats not why i'm at uni. I've done all of that crap and when I unfortunately return to work, i will no doubt have to do it again, but for the moment cant i leave it behind, Please..
3. In every group i've worked in so far there has been some irksome twat with too much mouth and not enough brains who thinks that they already have the answers from their A levels, and dont need to read anything and therefore reference it. Referencing is a bore but without it you cant get good marks, and without reading stuff you cant reference it. How, without relocating their teeth in their throats, do you get this simple point across to someone who is simply trying to maximise the amount of time they can spend propping up the uni bar. Ok i know that this is an enjoyable pastime for many people but at some point, they (the irksome twats), having come to uni to gain a degree will have to do something to gain that degree. Perhaps they have been placed here to test out my ability not to indulge in ad hoc dentistry, if so i think perhaps i will fail the test.