Feb 01, 2012 15:06
I get so fed up of adverts, they are everywhere its not just the telly and the hoardings but stupid texts telling me i'm entitled to a payout for an accident i never had and the unrelenting rollover adds that abound on the internet. Its not really the quantity of advertising that pisses me off though, it's their content that is almost guaranteed to work my frustatory gland. They can't just tell us the real benefits of their product but they have to create some unbelievable fantasy about what their product will do for your life.
Take perfume adds, the benefits of a perfume is that you will smell nice, fine no one likes to smell bad but that is it, that is the sum total of a perfume you, smell nice. it will not make you irresistible to the opposite sex,it will not make you a princess or an expert jewell thief. It will make you be YOU, just as you are every other fucking day of your life except you will smell of something that hopefully you like. In fact the one part of this product 'the smell' which actually does something, ie make you smell, is the one part of the product that cannot be conveyed by advertising. In order to know if you like a perfume you have to go and smell it, unfortunately advertising is pitched at an emotional level and we can quite easily be lured into buying perfumes or any other product for that matter that isn't our favourite, but is the one that the marketers have created the image for that we most want to identify with.
This is sick, it detracts from our lives by making us buy things we dont want leaving us short of one of the few things that can really affect our lives, our hard earned cash.