Star Wars fic

Jan 07, 2016 00:30

Today I wrote 2,000 words of a new Star Wars fic. I'm in no way writing in a linear fashion, but I'm still going strong. This is what The Force Awakens has done to me, and I love it. I actually like that the movie went it's own way, because there's less canon to worry about ignoring while filling in the gaps for Han, Luke and Leia.

The bulk of the fic I'm seeing lately focuses heavily on the new characters, so I hope there's still an audience for the aged originals. Silenced is doing OK, and I'm choosing to believe it would be doing better if it weren't a short fic. 290 words of gen is probably a hard sell when so many people seem to want long, plotty shipfic. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
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