Jul 24, 2009 22:31
So my mom is on FaceBook and saying I should join. I'm wondering how many sites is appropriate to join, and how many is too many. I like furry art, so I browse FurAffinity; should I join that site? Either way is free, but one allows access to poarm, and that is not an advantage to me.
But I'm wandering. The question is, when does joining a site make sense, and when is it not worth the effort?
That second part is a little tricky to codify, in part because the amount of effort tends to be quite small. I think I'm a member of eBay, but haven't used the account because I don't have a credit card. Should I spend more effort and get one, or did I already overinvest?
Right, so I don't get penalized for not using a site, but if I'm a non-using member, I'm a slight drain on bandwidth. Is that a good enough reason not to be a member, or is there a better reason? Or should I join anyway?