Rage at the Stupid

May 18, 2012 17:59

Earlier this week, President Obama appeared on the TV show 'The View'. During his appearance, co-host, Sherri Shepherd asked the president how tight of a race the upcoming election would be. President Obama responded back saying: "When your name is Barack Obama, it's always tight." President Obama made a point to mention that his middle name is "Hussein" which could still turn off many Americans.
Conservatives rolled their eyes at the president and Fox News was one of the first to speak their mind. As Raw Story pointed out, during a conversation on Fox News with host Megyn Kelly and Fox News regular Monica Crowley, referred to President Obama and his comments as "bigoted.""To suggest the American people are somehow opposing him because of his race or his name is insulting to the American people and, quite frankly, Megyn, I think, bigoted in its own right.”


TF is this bullshit, seriously? I just can't. I literally just can't with the bullshit equivocation of calling out racism = racism. [I've been dealing with something similar on Reddit, where this dood is trying to tell me that it's 'misandrist' for me to point out misogyny. le sigh 'Misandry' is one of those terms where I am instantly suspicious if someone uses it...like maybe they could be a good, well-meaning person, but all signs point to 'probably not.']
What is the most ironic thing about this is that Fox has been race-baiting their viewers with Obama's name for years and to now pretend that this wasn't happening, or that pointing out Obama's middle name wasn't code for blackevilmuslamsocialistatheistEVILSCARYBLACK is the height of sophistry.

In other news, ~love of my life~ and pocket-sized Rep. Dennis Kucinich is leaving Congress. :((

Finally, if anyone so much as implies that Zimmerman having a couple scratches on his face makes it okay to shoot a child in cold blood, or that the fact that said child smoked pot once makes his murder somehow acceptable, I will not be responsible for my actions. 

politics, wtf news, racism

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