This is a holiday gift for
Title: Tabula Rasa
messageredactedSummary: Amnesia!fic. Brian doesn't remember anything of his life prior to the accident. Neither does Jack.
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Rating: PG-13 for mild violence, brief language and mention of sex
Warnings: None
Length: 39 minutes
cyranothe2nd Link to
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audio (right-click, save as)
This is a holiday gift for
zarazabuza Title: Five Minutes
lifeasacloudSummary: Batman would never have sex with the Joker. It's a different story for Bruce Wayne.
Pairing: Bruce/Joker
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: sex, violence, language
Length: 14 minutes
cyranothe2nd Link to
textLink to
audio (right-click, save as)