Gift-giver extraordinaire
maruchan recently sent me a Christmas gift of a
Shiitake Mushroom Kit, in honor of my desire to pursue new experiences. I honestly can say I've never intentionally grown fungi in my home before, so this should be fun. You can follow my progress on my Flickr account, at: Don't know if that link will work, but we can try. I'll be taking a photo or two every day to track the log's initiation and growth over the next month or so. I'll try to post reminders about this any time something interesting happens.
May I say, baby shiitake mushroom logs look funny! And I was very hesitant to put my mouth to the bag from which all that freshly growing mushroomy goodness was emanating, but that's what the instructions said to do. Hope I don't come down with shiitake-in-the-lungs!
maruchan! A *very* new experience. :)