Time to QQ

Mar 24, 2012 15:15

Bleh…I really hate my habit of waiting until the very last minute to do my work. And it’s as if I never learn from the outcomes of that habit, which is...never good *sigh*
2 days ago I turned in a paper that was assigned to us over 2 weeks ago. So, I had 2 weeks to finish an easy and short paper but I ended up doing it the day it was due. Gah…I bet the teacher intended that paper to be an easy bonus pts or something like that. But I ended up fucking up anyway and I'm sure she’s going to bitch at my paper.

Anyways, that aside, time to QQ. So, someone has been staying at my apt more often than before. He has a valid excuse, so I obviously don’t mind him staying over twice a week. However, there is something about him that I DO mind, which is, washing the dishes. I hate it that he (probably) thinks that he’s a guest so he can use the plates/bowls/cups all he wants and just dump them in the sink because I will wash them. It really annoys the crap out of me! Seriously I just wanna tell him, “WASH YOUR FUCKING SHIT! I don’t need you to wash my plates. Just wash the stuff that you used. If there’re already some plates in the sink, well, put them aside, wash your stuff and done! It’s not that hard.” Whenever I go to his mom’s house (where he lives) I wash the dishes even when all of them are his and when he’s in my place, I have to wash his stuff too? Really? Am I just a maid or something? But I just can’t say it because I don’t want to have a bad relationship with my FAMILY IN-LAWS. I’ve been annoyed at him for a while now. I consider myself a forgiving person which is why if I get annoyed today, I usually just forget it the next day, but when he does those things that I really hate, gah! It’s hard not to get annoyed! I really hope he finds a friend he can stay with so he’ll stop coming over.

Done with QQ. Feeling better now…

qq, bitch

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