Bump in the night

Sep 30, 2008 05:59

Ever see shadow movement out of the corner of your eye and when you turn your head there is nothing there? Lately, I've had this happening to me along with different noises at night. This morning I wake up and go to my closet, turn on my light and find the cat sitting there staring at my boxed up fake christmas tree. Hmmmms ... I ask her, "What do you see Cinnamon"? She just looks at me and stretches like she's been watching something for a while. This could only mean one thing. A mouse in my house. EEEKS!

I can handle lizards, frogs, snakes, even spiders sometimes. But mice they are so gross. I've had them in the past and its the season for them to find their way inside. When the farmers start cutting the cane fields, the field mice usually scamper to find shelter. My old cat, Smokey, was such a hero. I never had to worry about mice much or anything else that moved in my house. He was such the hunter and pouncer. If it crawled, flew, slinked or slimed he was on it. I'm not sure about this new cat. She appears to be the demure type. Typical female.

In the meantime, I'll set a few traps and see if I can snap a head. (insert manical laughter here)
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