We interrupt your persona 3 character expo to bring you a fic idea of epically crackish proportions.

Sep 23, 2009 21:05

It just hit me; Yami, playing with dolls.  Specifically, a Yuugi doll, and an Anzu doll.  He mushes them together and makes kissy noises.

What I need to figure out is who stumbles upon this scene; Yuugi?  Anzu?  The both of them?  Jounouchi?  Kaiba?  Mokuba?  Mai?  Bakura?  Otogi?  There's so may options, I'm kind of paralyzed, but I really, really want to write this insane little fic.  Who ever picks the person to stumble upon the scene first, gets my thanks and a fic.

anzu/yuugi, shipping

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