A Hikaru/Urara fic.

Dec 25, 2012 00:21

A Trip Just For Two.

It had been three months since they’d defeated the Absolute God N Ma, and now things had settled down enough that Urara could plan out her honeymoon with Hikaru. She’d gone through the Magitopian books and found just the right Replica Realm for them to visit and enjoy all to themselves, an endless beach perpetually on the cusp of sunset.

“Is that where you’re going to go, Sis?” Urara slammed the book shut and looked up at her little brother Kai. “I’d figured you’d take Hikaru to the Library.” Kai had that evil little smirk on his face that made it so difficult to stay mad at him.

“Kai, get out of here, don’t you have homework to work on?” Urara held the book tight to her chest as she walked away from him.

“Come on, how could my homework be more important than your honeymoon?” Kai followed close behind her, his footsteps light from giddiness.

“Because if you skip out on your homework…” Urara stopped and paused for effect. Then she turned around. “I will tell Yamazaki.”

The color drained away from Kai’s face. He made like he was about to say something, but simply slunk away back towards his room.

“I guess our idiot little brother will never learn.” Tsubasa said, entering the scene with a pair of vials in his hands. “Here you go, good fortune potions for you and Hikaru, good to last the whole honeymoon through.” He held out the potions to her. Urara eyed them suspiciously.

“These wouldn’t happen to be reverse-invisibility potions, would they?”

“What? What even are those?” Tsubasa was such a terrible liar.

“A potion that makes it so you can’t see the one who brewed them, the key ingredient of which are Mandora Boy’s leaves, which you’d volunteered to trim just last night.”
Tsubasa looked around, then back down at the vials. “Oh, you’re right, I must have misread my book, I’ll go brew the right potions this time.” Tsubasa laughed nervously as he went back over to his cauldron.

Urara made her way out of the Magic Room and into the kitchen to check on her apple pie in the oven. “Oh, Urara!” Makito shouted from the door, basket full of vegetables in his arms. “How does the pie look?”

“Just a second Makito.” She pulled it out of the oven and smelled, ran her pinky finger across the crust. “Perfect.” Urara got out the cloth to wrap the pie up and keep it nice and warm.

“Allow Big Brother to add the finishing touch.” Makito put his vegetable basket down on the counter and produced a large red apple blossom from out of nowhere. He tied the stem of the blossom around where the cloth was wrapped on itself. “There, now it’s perfect.”

“So it is.” Still, Urara gave the blossom a closer look, and after a few seconds, she saw some of the petals move in what was unmistakably a blink. She moved her hand over it, and sure enough it followed. “Makito, you wouldn’t happen to have a second flower that you can use to see through this one, would you?”

“Umm, how would I, when I have so much Big Brother Salad to make for dinner?” Makito laughed loudly and awkwardly as he took the apple blossom away and tossed it into the garbage before getting to work on his salad.

Urara, pie in one hand and book in the crook of her other arm, walked to the stairs. “Hikaru, are you ready?”

“Almost,” came the reply. “You go ahead to Travelion, I’ll be right behind you.”

“All right then.” Urara made her way to the magic station where Travelion was kept and entered the passenger car. She looked around at the fancy accoutrements of the magical train, and found herself relaxing.

“Achoo!” Urara was startled by the sudden sneeze. She looked around, saw no one else around. Then her eyes settled on a nearby compartment. She opened it up, and there was a familiar pink desk fan.

“Houka!” She yelled as the fan turned back into her older sister.

“Oh come on, you know your honeymoon won’t be any fun without me around.” Houka pouted.

“That’s none of your concern!” Urara pointed to the door, and Houka got the message, leaving without a second word.

“Honestly, they’re all still like children.” And yet, even as Hikaru finally arrived and they could begin their honeymoon in earnest, Urara wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world.

super sentai, mahou sentai magiranger, fanfic

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