Where I Watch Fresh Pretty Cure! Episode 38

Nov 07, 2012 12:26

The scene where Buki and Setsuna discuss why Miki didn't just tell them what happened when she'd lost the Clover Box and Setsuna explains that as far as Miki was concerned what happened was just an excuse rang so unbelievably true for me. And Miki really got to shine in this episode, got a lot of good focus and action and a really nice trick with her Berry Sword that showed some good thinking outside the box to overcome the Sorewatase.

Also, I am noticing a resurgence in the themes of motherhood that had diminished in the middle run of episodes; I can just imagine one of the writers on staff just basically transcribing their experiences dealing with a particularly fussy baby and changing the names as needed for the script.

magical girls, gender win, precure, fresh precure, where i watch, badass ladies are badass

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