Five item meme

Aug 29, 2011 20:48

Comment to this post asking for a list, and I will give you five things I associate with you. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your LJ (or just add a reply back at me). Other people (including me~) can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

sarajayechan gave me the following five items.

1. Kataang

Katara and Aang, the main characters of Avatar the Last Airbender, and they are OTP forever and ever and ever. Seriously, right from the beginning the show all but announces with bright neon letters "they are going to be together and it is going to be adorable", and you know something? The show was right, they are adorable together. Also, dramatic and epic and even a little passionate at times, especially when dancing in caves while re-enacting the plot to "Footloose". Because Avatar is awesome like that.

2. Utena.

Revolutionary Girl Utena is an amazing show, heavy with symbolism, imagery, and challenging ideas presented eloquently with care and thought. Utena herself is also pretty amazing, undergoing a heroic journey that goes down some pretty dark steps before revealing the difference between superficial fairy tale nobility and the real deal.

3. Yu-Gi-Oh

Children's card games are serious business, I know I know, but really, the original yugioh manga was actually a pretty good story. Silly and over-the-top certainly, but what shonen manga isn't that way? Also, despite the fact that main mode of conflict resolution was a one-on-one card game, every climactic battle in the original manga managed to amply demonstrate in a very real way the importance of friendship, and the friendships between all the characters are deep and nuanced and well developed. Oh, and Yuugi and Anzu are adorable together and I am forever upset that they did not get together at any point. Oh well, I do have fanfiction, and some very good fanfiction indeed.

The manga spin-offs are also pretty good, at times measuring up to the original, while the anime spin-offs get worse and worse as time goes on, something that I've spoken at great length about in my journal.

4. Gatchaman

sarajayechan is partially to blame for getting me into this; the other part is that the Super Sentai series Choujin Sentai Jetman was conceived as a tribute to Gatchamn, so I thought it would be a good idea to familiarize myself with Gatchaman before watching Jetman. I'm glad I did, for while Gatchaman is dated and cheesy and silly with how preachy it gets on the environmental message, the characters are all very strong and likable, and at times some good genuine drama takes place, which is always nice.

5. lol asoiaf

I tried to get into the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series of novels by George R. R. Martin years ago, and I had to give up halfway into the second book or so. As far as I was concerned, all the characters were either good but complete idiots determined to screw themselves over, or evil and marginally less stupid but still prone to inanely self-destructive decisions for no good reason other than to make sure that it doesn't make the slightest difference who becomes King of the Seven Kingdoms, everyone's still screwed anyway. So yeah, I was unimpressed.

avatar, yugioh, meme, gatchaman, revolutionary girl utena

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