Awesome Ladies Meme.

Jul 19, 2011 10:02

This meme was given to me by elle_white

Name a canon, and I'll tell you (in no particular order) three female characters I love and why. Then I will name a canon for you and you can talk about three female characters you love.


She just radiates cool and calm and composure and genuine kindness and nobility. But she does have her flaws, she forces herself to be cynical beyond reason due to Shiori's unthinking betrayal. Hopefully, the symbolism of the locket being broken will be fulfilled, and she'll be able to find true happiness elsewhere.


Oh, at first she is just too over-the-top, her schemes just too ineffectual in the face of the universe's/Anthy's spite against her, to be taken seriously at all. And yet, those episodes, when she "finds out" that Touga is not her brother, so there's nothing at all to separate her from all those other girls who swarm around him like flies, my heart broke for her. For the first time I saw the real her, and my only hope was that she would somehow rise up and overcome Touga's dickery.


She is a true hero. She might have been selfishly living out her own fantasies at first, but once she found out the truth, the whole entire truth, she saved Anthy from being pierced by a million swords, no matter what the cost to herself. That is why I think Utena is amazing, and I love her.

meme, badass ladies are badass, revolutionary girl utena

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