Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, episodes 32 and 33

Jun 12, 2011 12:53

Capt. Amazing: I knew you couldn't change.
Casanova Frankenstein: I knew you'd know that.
Capt. Amazing: Oh, I know that. And I knew you'd know I'd know you knew.
Casanova Frankenstein: But I didn't. I only knew that you'd know that I knew. Did you know that?
Capt. Amazing: . . . of course.

That's what this two-parter reminded me of, with all the trickery and double-deceptions as poor Berg Katze tries to prove that Jun and Jinpei really are members of the Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, and Ken and the others keep coming up with ways to get him to doubt himself.

Also, Jun got to kick quite a bit of ass and keep her cool, which is always nice.


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