Where I watch Princess Tutu, episodes 21-26

Sep 25, 2010 15:18

It seems to be the mark of a great story that it ends in the only way it could have; if all the other possible endings have not been winnowed out by the end, if there was still room for the story to have ended another way, it was not a great story at the very least.

And while there is the part of me that wishes dearly for Fakir to write a story in which Ahiru can become human once more so that they can be together, the way Mytho and Rue are together, I have far, far, FAR too much respect for the beauty of the story, for its commitment to its message and what it means, to go through with that. Besides which, Ahiru and Fakir seemed to be pretty happy in that final scene, so I can take that consolation at least.

And I love how Drosselmeyer at the very end begins to wonder if he himself is but a character in someone else's story! Seriously, I love it when a story gets to be that kind of meta. XD

In all seriousness though, it is difficult for me to express just what this show, this story, means to me. Because...because I have read stories and watched shows, and those betrayed me, and in very particular fashions, alongside the themes that this show, Princess Tutu, has expressed. So seeing things in this show play out the way that they did, to see that realization that true love is not selfish, does not call for a denial of the world or hating all else, that real love is a beautiful thing even when it does hurt at times...it means a lot to me.

Thank you, everyone who recommended this show to me. It was absolutely wonderful, and I hope to someday find another story that I can love just as much.

princess tutu, where i watch

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