Where I watch Revolutionary Girl Utena, Episode 32

Sep 20, 2010 13:44

Touga...seriously, what the fuck is WRONG WITH YOU??? What kind of fucked up asshole lets his little sister, who loves, worships and adores him, lets her think that they're not related even though they are, just because they think that would be more interesting? And Akio, don't think you're getting off easy on all this either, you know exactly what Touga's been doing all this time, and you did nothing to stop him, so you're just as guilty as he is.

Seriously though, poor Nanami; where is she going to go now? Where can she possibly belong? And I don't imagine that her three cronies will be following her around anymore, not after that beating she gave them...seriously, goddamn.

where i watch, revolutionary girl utena

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