Gender-Opposite Friends

Jun 13, 2012 11:46

Dear friends and others,
I got a question for you today on Gender-Opposite Friends. (Via Dr. Laura e-mail subscription)
"Dear Alexandra,
When you're in a committed relationship, is it OK to have friends of the opposite gender?
What is considered appropriate, what is borderline, and what is just plain unacceptable?
Even if you're just "going to lunch" or sending an "innocent text,"
your spouse could feel threatened or have jealous thoughts about what may or may not be happening.
I'll discuss how to maintain friends of the opposite gender in a way that's sensitive to your partner's feelings today"
Do you think it's possible to be "just friends" with someone of the opposite sex? If you've managed to do that, how did you stay "just friends"?
So, in this era of online communicating (LJ, FB, Twitter, etc.) with people unknown to you in real face-to-face life, where you draw a line for yourself?
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