Holy shit, I am a sleepy. Was waiting up for Zoe, decided sleep is better. Zoe, I've asked you Eugene to remind you, but I'll remind you here too: EMAIL ME THAT PICTURE OF WILL.
Also, Eugene told me he liked my costume! EEE, that is exciting. I worked really hard on it, and it makes me really happy that someone like Eugene would approve. He also agreed that Pip made an awesome Adrian, he even said she was ridiculously fierce, which of course she was. Woo!
I feel silly because I keep asking him to relay messages for me. Of course, I seem to have far too much trouble getting in touch with people sometimes. Stupid AIM!
And Squeak is sick. I'm on my grandma's small laptop, and I am very unhappy. I want my Squeak box back! But, he is sick and I do not know when I will be able to take him to be made better. Ah well, we'll see. Hopefully soon!
And now, I am going to be even more of a useless lump and sleep. God, sometimes I wonder what I am here for other then to make a very uninteresting doorstop.
So, I was clearing off my bed to go to sleep and I found one of those new pennies. Here, have a picture (sorry it's so blurry).
Why is Lincoln sitting on a log on the back of the penny? Where is the Lincoln memorial? I don't know why, but I do not like this new design and feel I should let you know that I distrust this penny and any that look like it. And NOW to be an even more useless lump.