I am sorry for being so late with these but here's finally the gifts requested in my Solstice post. I know I said about 500 words but as always my muses are wordy. This is the masterpost, the below links lead the each individual story. I hope you enjoy this little shower of leftover holiday cheer.
ctrokj, who wanted a story from my Goodboy!verse with Master Hugh and Master Tim with their pets Taylor and Andrew:
Such a nice party... 1729 words, NC-17, Usual warnings for this 'verse.
amara_m, who wanted either Master Hugh watching Taylor and Father Gabriel or Master Tim/ALP exploring a plethora of pleasure. Well, my muses couldn't decide on one so this is two-in-one:
Two Good Boys, 924 words, NC-17, Usual warnings apply.
elebridith, who wanted Remy and Logan to get into Christmas Spirit, their way:
Seasonal Gift, 830 words, NC-17, bondage
honeyjojames, who wanted to know how Nate and Eliot spend New Year's Eve:
Happy New Year, 464 words, PG. Sorry it's so short darling!
havenward, who gave me several options from which my muses chose two:
Domestic in two flavors, 560 words, R, no warnings but sorry for the shortness here too!
raggedy_edge, who gave me several options too but it was Father Gabriel who spoke up:
Righteousness, 969 words, NC-17, usual warnings apply...
And that's it! Thank you all for being such awesome friends and I hope I will get to do this for you next year as well. *smishes you all*