Title: Don't Stop Part 18
Words: 263
A/N: Time for our protagonists to take a breather.
With the Sniffer out of the picture Marie could finally relax and she really felt she needed it. Running on full speed and fueled by only a sandwich her energy was running out. She barely made it to Miss Sarah's cosy apartment before she collapsed on the sofa.
"OK, boss, I'm gonna send out for something for us to eat... Sparky won't be finished for a few hours yet so you just sleep."
"No pita! And no gherkins either... bad... stomach..." She drifted off into almost sleep and Sarah smiled as she watched.
Marie twitched back into wakefulness when Miss Sarah closed the window after talking to the runner boy on the street and she blinked a bit, yawned and shifted to her side. Something dug into her hip and she frowned before getting it out of her pocket. It was the little metal bug that had been disabled by Argyle's nifty defenses. She held it up to the light and studied the design, it was beautiful and the thin filament of the wings glittered in the afternoon sunlight filtering in through Miss Sarah's sheer curtains. Someone had sent this after her, maybe it was the same person that sent the Sniffer, maybe it was someone else. She yawned again. It would be time to look into it later... she just needed a few more seconds of sleep.
The whirlyfly slipped out of her hand and onto the carpet as Marie fell asleep again.