Give me a fucking break people. I havnt done a god damn thing to anyone. As thoose of you who are still close to me know im about to undergo rehab. As for Mike, its no ones buisness but ours, and we did not have un-protected sex. Since I so called "did mike wrong" call him and ask him for yourself. I finally took my last breath when new people other than Alex approached me with, so I heard youve been around the block, you snort coke, smoke crystal meth, and have orgies. While some of that has been true, I would never dare take anyones past and throw it in their face when ive seen a change. None of you know me anymore and I am a much different person, and you would see this if you were truly ever my friends. When the only time any of you bother to see me or call me is never, bc i do not like Brandon. Kitty I hope you learn not to mettle in peoples buisness because its not your fucking place. You need to realize you were out of line! Im not going to plot revenge because karma will take care of that for me. You can all go to hell. As for Sarah, im sry. Ive been in a position to be friends with people before who were also friends with brandon in wich has resulted in this. I refuse to ever be in this position again. I love you baby and maybe someday we will be together again. Please do not take this personal. Im very happy with chris, and will continue to live out a happy life. Fuck you brandon on my MR right now, Fuck you. Your just pissed because your too overweight to have a mrs right period. except with nose fucker kyle. I never brought doberry fucking anywhere you can thank Teddy and Kayla for that. As for Brian, the only thing you know about him is hear-say, and what fat ass has told you. That should say a fucking lot!!! You all have no respect for anyone. Josh has never done anything to any of you but fatass wich should stay between theme, but yet you all publically put him down. Good job leaders! Ill still see some of you in DC. Please dont talk to me, bc i probubally hate you. I wish you all successful lifes, and I hope you find peace somewhere. Untill war takes its toll this we be an unfought battle. One day out armys will meet, until then ill see everyone in gay hell.
Apearently The,
-Infamous Lance
Ps. Brandon you are a contentious fucking prick!
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