Mar 04, 2010 20:02
- 20:37 There are few things more satisfying than reducing people to incoherency with my words. *giggles* #
- 20:45 Off to the studio again, these articles won't read themselves sadly. #
- 22:35 And now I get to go home. Yay! #
- 23:12 I agree - Do want! RT @havenward: Do want! I do love ninjas, and awesome tshirts. #
- 01:20 In other news I now have black-green nails #
- 03:21 Upside of reading through Don't Stop - finding my way back to the story. Downside - finding all the errors and all the a
wkward wording. # - 03:31 Ok, occasionally I also find a paragraph I actually like... #
- 03:33 ... mostly those paragraphs include Argyle... #
- 03:37 ... or Sparky... #
- 04:09 i'm yawning my head off... time to head for sleep. I posted some random poetry I wrote if anyone wants to read: #
- 11:59 Awesome Holmes vid: to Rockstar by Pink #
- 12:09 Still reading through Don't Stop and it sure is up and
down... some parts I love some really needs work. # - 12:38 ok, got to were I stopped... Not too surprisingly I like the end better than the beginning and I really want to tell the rest of the story. #
- 18:27 Time to try out a Core class - I expect my tummy-muscles to cry for mercy... #
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