And today...

Jan 20, 2010 20:01

  • 20:51 Everyone having trouble with Twitter today? Everyone but the celebrities are all quiet... #
  • 22:08 My butt is numb! *eyes evil chair* but on the upside I'm behind 12 of tomorrows pages and I got some writing done in the downtimes #
  • 22:21 Woot! Get to go home soon, only about 10 more minutes :) #
  • 23:15 I am home *sits down in comfortable deskchair with relief* #
  • 23:29 Does anyone remember if Parker gets wet in any of the aired episodes? #
  • 23:42 I am pretty sure it's a bad thing when thing go pop in your should when you lift the
    coffee mug. *eyes strange muscles and joints* #
  • 03:16 Seconded! like woha! Read this! RT @earthquakedream: fic rec: - neal/peter/elizabeth, spoilers for 1x07, AMAZING.<33 #
  • 03:43 ok, halfway on the icons and it's time to call it a night - been tired the last 2 hours. Good night people! #
  • 03:49 Meh, got eliminted out of eliot_lims - why do I even try. Seems my taste in icons is hugely different from anyone elses. No. Bed. Now. #
  • 10:36 Ugh. People clearing the roof made noise. So did alarm. Strange dreams. Where is my coffee? #
  • 12:13 Saw #whitecollar. Squeed. Will now get ready for work. @mart1na is awesome cause she feeds me. #
  • 14:02 Just read something scary: "Twenty years ago, 1990". Time passes way to fast! What is eating it and who is calling for The Doctor? #
  • 15:00 Writing what I write you get real quick at alt+tabbing when someone comes close *grin* Co-workers do not need to know... #
  • 16:04 So hungry - why is it not foodtime yet? #
  • 16:12 Also.. queue to the printer, strange twinges in muscles and tired. On the upside it looks like I have actual hips today... #
  • 16:4
    7 Why is it that people always feel a need to ask what i'm reading when I take out a book at work? Seriously, you rarely talk to me why now? #
  • 17:09 *starts eyeing the furniture and thinking about condiments* Stack of paper and jam maybe? *ponders* #
  • 17:28 Local criminal tries to rob convenient store, fails and tries to hide in pizza restaurant in the same building... #
  • 18:37 I've eaten and @mart1na's sausage, sweet-potato and beans stew-thingy was delicious! Will now survive I belive :) #
  • 19:33 Holy freakin' fuck learn to use your inside voice! *seethes* #

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