the harbinger: Filit
Facing accusations of heresy and charges of aiding a witch, Filit runs from his home town of Apollyon, but not before changing the course of things around him. Wishing destruction upon his treasonous neighbors, Filit seeks out a god that is said to be sealed within the town, and strikes a bargain. In order to free the god, he sacrifices his voice-- a larger payment than he realizes. Believing that the god has acted out Filit's revenge, Filit leaves the town of his birth, never to return. With him journeys the god that he freed, the only being in existence that can still hear Filit's voice.
the lower god of shadow: Sober
A lesser god taken to wandering, Sober is neither animal, human, nor sentient being. In his wanderings, he happens into the burgeoning town of Apollyon, where he is sealed away, falling into a forced slumber. It is years later that a local boy, Filit, comes to Sober's place of restraint and trades his own voice for Sober's freedom. Intrigued by the boy who names him Sober and speaks to him by way of thoughts, Sober decides to follow Filit, wondering what will come of him.