May 08, 2006 17:16
i am currently at work, bored, hungry, antsy, and bored
im jsu posting atm cuz i am very bored adn cant be arsed to fnd somthing to do
i ahd a bbq last week wich owned and im contemplating mroe of them this summer, been doin lots of martial arts again recently wich has my body tired
im teetering ona boarder atm of beeing joyful and bouncy or beeing a bitter hater, i dont know whats brought this on prolyl jsu my personality id suppose, i dug out an old sketch book recently as ive been cracing drawing but im scared to
i fear all my skilsl will have gone to poo poo and i will jsu be spewing garbage on paper : /
i duuno what it is but i jsu have this intense feeling of need to liek jump out of my skin, as i type this my foot is taping madly and stuff ......
ok i think thats all for my rant today expect more to come tho unless ofc i take my anxiety meds ;) wich i have done sparringly thus far
also btw doesnt my new avitar own!!!!! qute lil japanese girls beeing haters for tha win