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Dec 12, 2005 13:41

gather round kiddies and hear tah story of my most recent birthday, it starts early and painful at abotu 4 am when i wake up in sweats from tah now very obvious new cold i have aquired, cant really get bck to ful sleep for rest of tah early morning then i have a doctors apointment to folowup on tah mean ass cyst behind my ear on my neck and haftu sit in tah wating room for about an hour all tah while dizzy swaeting and shaking, finally get checked out, doc is concerned about these things becuz of tah way they are clusterd , haftu b removed, prolly have tha done after new yr but vry soon, and also i let tha doc know tha im feeling congested and my throat feels like its clogging or swelling, so he gives me a sample of this decongestant w 122 mg of psudoephedrine in it.... i barly handle 30mg with ease so ends part one

then hjaftu take puff(cat) to tah vets becuz all of a sudden on tah night b4 my bday her tail goes limp, jus hangs there like its dead, so on tah way to tha vets, in my car w mom driving so i could secure tah cat, we are in tah right lane on john r and then a car in tah left lane decides to make a right turn directly into my driver side above my tire, hits so hard my car slides sideways about 2 feet, cat freaks out, 2 blks from vets so i jsu get out and walk tehre so were not alte while mom (drvier) deals w guy and cops, tha guy has no insurance...i haftu pay a 500$ deductable and they will hopefully get that outa him to reimburse it, then at tah vets we find out puffs got some nerves gettin weak in her back in 2 places and begings of kidney diseas so shes now on a steroid and special perscrption food tha tdoens need as much work from kidneys to process so we will see on thurs how shes progessing

and tah rest of tah day wasnt so horrible except for tah fact that tah decongestant i was on was a 12hour pill that i took at noon so iwas prettyy messed up, hot dizzy cold shaky til midnight so yeah, this is one for tha books id say , i cant really remeber one where much more wne twrong tahn this...
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