Feb 12, 2003 02:06
So now it is Wednesday and I should sound asleep for bed, but here I ponder about things unknown to myself. I am close to turning 27. In only 3 shorts days I will become older. Tonight was Tuesday Tea's, and I finally had some money so drank more than I probably should have. So I am a tad bit tipsy still. After Tea's at broadway grill we went to the Barby Dream House. We played some darts. This is Dorian, myself, Ms. Davis, Jonathon, and Mitch. I actually won one game out of three. I was impressed as it was VERY close game. Both Jonathan and Mitch gave me a run for my money. Dorian and Ms. Davis did awesome as well. Which brings me to my current thought, why am finding myself attracted so much to younger guys now. In all my serious relationship and in the past I have been attracted to older guys, and this is what I always found myself intellectually able to connect with. The past couple years I am finding a pattern, I am attracted to younger guys. Is this because I am getting older? I do not quite understand. Do not get me wrong, I do not put an age on connection or Love, it will happen as it happens, I just found myself in that same situation tonight being attracted to much younger than myself. I was told some time ago that I hang around an older crowd, which I find to be actually quite the opposite. Back when I was still in high school though I had my little clicks I was in, I tended to leave school behind once class was done, and tended to hang with a much older crowd. It tended to be university age people since I worked at Washington University in St. Louis, as well as the gay society. It does not really matter to me, but I just noticed with my attraction this past evening and who it was towards was not my norm from years past. Now I am going to take my quite tipsy self and fall deep into sleep and wake up way to early for work tomorrow. Then tomorrow I am going to do it all over again with Darts, Lube Wrestling and Neighbours. Tomorrow is also my friends Big Larry and Little LArry's Anniversary or I should say today. I will see them at Darts at around 7pm. This will be their 3rd anniversary. They are an awesome couple and I only hope I can find similar love that they share.
Good night