Request Post ♡ !

May 30, 2009 18:20


i don't know what to upload so yeah. xD lucky you.

♫ - 2 songs per person. You may request up to 4 parts of a song.
♫ Check before you request. I may have it. :D
♫ Put My Heaven ♡ in your request so I won't reject you.
♫ Fill out every part of the form.
♫ Specify the time in which you want me to cut for your ring tome. Ex: 2;14 - 3;08. So I know exactly what you want.
♫ If I made the song you requested, I will upload it with the new batch, & I will comment you so you know. 
♫ YOU MUST say thank you on the batch if there's a song you requested in there. Simply 'cos. :D 
♫ If you request 2 songs, use different forms for each one. K?

♫ Form ♫

♫ Requesting ♡ !
♫ Artist: 
♫ Song Title:
♫ Time:
♫ Comments? Notes? Sex?:

♫  GO GO GO :D ♫


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