Nov 09, 2008 19:25
So, you all saw the video of Rob interviewed by Variety. I was thinking, like most of you, that his answers were really great and he's getting better at this thing. I think that once he thinks about something long enough, he can give a more deeper and in-depth answer. If you just hit him with a question that he hasn't really thought about at all, he'll just completely go blank or won't know what to say. It's true. You know it's true.
Loved all of his answers. And when he talked about New Moon, it gave me a different view on why it's good. Not bad. It's good because it shows how powerful Edward's absence is and the effect it has. The ending is just even better because it's just like Boom. There's Edward. The guy you love. The guy you can't live without. And the only guy who could fix the hole in Bella's heart.
I know I'm corny.
new moon,