So recently, a certain person who remains nameless decided to log into my photobucket.com account and delete every single picture. There were some pretty old pictures in there that I can't really get back, since the originals are on hard drives that are no longer in exsistance. I'm kind of upset about it, mainly the pictures from Maine and the pictures of my family, since I've been looking at them every once in awhile when I get a bit homesick. The point is, if anyone has any pictures from my PAST they'd like to send me over, I would be very thankful!
Besides for that, things are going alright. I went to see Patti Smith the other night and it was amazing. When the Coral Sea Sessions come out on CD buy it and listen to my claps!
I missed enrollment for college yesturday (woops) but went to the school first thing this morning and got everything sorted out. What does this mean? This means I'm an honest-to-goodness, bonafide student! I get my ID on Tuesday, then I can even get neat discounts! Actual classes and such start Monday, so we'll see how that goes.
Another pretty nice thing is that all my flatmates have finally moved in. Four girls and three boys, all of which are pretty alright! Actually I sort of love some of them already, so that's defently a good thing.
Anyways, I need school to start immediatly, I am exhausted from trying to go out everyday. I suppose that's sort of a good thing thing, unless you're trying to save money. Ugh, money.