Lost track of time.

Aug 14, 2009 02:19

I have one week left of summer. I didn't even know.
It's been pretty great...not too hot either.

I think next year will be better. in 2010, i will be 21 and will be able to hang out at the Radio Room or the Soda Bar.

Life has been too good--and the stars say it all.

Speaking of stars,
2 nights ago i went way out east to check out the meteor shower with the dudes. it was such an interesting event. we parked into the resting area somewhere out in the middle of nowhere...but there were people everywhere camping out--mostly people ranging from 18-30 years old. one car was blasting pink floyd. the skies were clear and so damn beautiful with the best low humidity. the night was like a festival--i really don't know how to explain. i keep thinking about how magnificent it was. it was a paradise.
we smoked bowls and listened to some trippy music. i was such in a great mood. nick has this app on his iphone where he could look up the constellations and match up the stars relatively to the sky. i was able to look at sagittarius.
i had nathan look up saggitarius' 2009 forcast. he was saying that this year i would find a new perspective to life, and that i'll be happy and learning on the way.

sounds good to me. :D
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