I was speaking to a dear friend a week ago about my fanfic writing, and they described my latest
dearsanta fic as not my best work, but okay from the prompts given. Which has left me wondering what my best writing actually is, what I do well and what I'm just plain old mediocre at (to which I could easily say 'all of it') or do badly.
So a request: If you *have* read my fanfic stuff, could you give me some pointers as to what you think the best bit of writing I've done to date is (and why)? Plus any comments about my writing style and what I could do with working on? Please?
I've also been asked from time to time if I'm going to stick with fanfic or try my hand at original fiction. To which my current reply is that I'm waiting for that One Good Idea™ to strike, because unless an idea grips me I'll probably do a lousy job of writing it anyway. So for now I'm quite happy to play in JKR's sandpit, with characters and a world construct that are at least partially, if not fully, formed. But you never know, I may get an original idea sometime.