updates on my computer situation and me

Dec 18, 2006 15:22

Good Lord...I'm gone for three days and it's "skip 160"...

The internet problem: I think it's my computer. FOr those of you who are not total luddites like me and understand computers, prepare to be amazed. I knew my computer was a piece of shit, but it's worse than I knew. My 4-year-old PC has *drumroll please* 490,000 KB of RAM. Apparently, computers are damn near non-functional at that level. I think the fuckin' thing has a sub-Pentium processor. *pulls hair* And it has a virus, I think, which is why it's having trouble even making dial-up internet work. So I'm working on how to get the thing cleaned up without paying $50 I don't have to re-up my anti-virus program. In the next couple of months, I'm buying a new PC and hopefully getting a cable modem.

Over the weekend, I pretty well ignored grading my students' final exams, which means I'm back to grading now--I'm just about to post grades for one class, in fact. But the weekend was lovely. I spent Friday night doing absolutely NOTHING! And Saturday I had the opportunity to go to the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, the "Mother Church of Country Music," LOL. It was quite an experience. You really do feel like there's something religious or sacred going on. :) Saturday was the first day in weeks that I didn't even turn on the computer. Which led me to realize I've been pushing myself too hard lately with the fic-writing, mainly because life was so hectic on top of it. I was spending hours a day in front of the computer, and the fic-writing just compounded the problem. Giving myself a few days without writing was really nice for the muse. I've written about half of a slightly mopey and emotional Jack/Sawyer story, as well as half of Sawyer/Sun. Maybe I'll get one of those posted in the next couple of days. Cross your fingers for me.

I do plan to get meanwhile_84 up and going again. Probably I'll just post a glut of short things every few days. I may or may not try to go back and do the ones I missed. I'd just feel like I've dug myself a hole, and le muse doesn't like that feelings, nosirree.

Anyway, I love you all as always. Sorry for the drive-by post. And I'm sorry if I haven't commented on your lives...but, by golly, I skimmed over everything since Friday, so I do have a rough idea of what's going on with everybody. *squishes flist*

writing, bad!computer

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