Oh, Angela...

Sep 25, 2006 00:34

I'm supposed to be doing work. Instead I'm writing trash. *smites self for lack of willpower*

Attention arabella_hope:

For you: the dirtiest of dirty and improbable SPN/GA RPS, because I owe you a story. Blame it on that picture you posted of Katherine Heigl and my love of Jared Padalecki's long legs. Hot off the presses (read: barely edited, so forgive me).

He would have never followed them if he hadn't been drunk, he kept telling himself. But he was sober enough to keep his distance and hide himself well enough not to be seen. Was he was a pervert, or was Jared Padalecki the biggest cock-tease in Vancouver?

Bad things always happened at Jeff's. The man kept too much liquor around, and he was fond of inviting a whole lot of people over, some he had likely never even met-anything to fill up the house and make it less lonely those few weeks he had to be there this season. As reclusive as Jensen could be, he could understand the impulse. In fact, he understood it very well, given that all his friends were married or attached. Or Jared.

The married friends made him feel unloved and pathetic, but the problems Jared provided by being in his life were entirely different. They had this not quite spoken but very present lust thing going, something that occasionally flared up and threatened their friendship. They usually kept it to a simmer-one they had somehow silently agreed could never boil over-but every so often, one of them would do something incredibly teasing and cruelly tempting, like it was a test. Or sometimes a dare. Often, he thought they were trying to see who would finally break down and attack the other, as if as ill-advised as a relationship between them could be, it was inevitable.

Other times he was almost sure it was in his head. This was Jared Padalecki-all around nice guy, sometimes as clueless as they come. He never knew if Jared was completely oblivious to his effect on Jensen in certain situations or completely sadistic, but he frequently couldn't discern between the two, especially when he had another shot of tequila in his glass and stood watching Katie Heigl stalk her way across the room to Jared and whisper something in Jared's ear that made his face focus and at the same time go entirely sex-stupid.

He had known Katie was there-had seen her talking to and flirting with Jared, even-but been trying to figure out the looks she and Jeff were exchanging. Jeff was definitely sweet on her, but he honestly had no idea if it was a platonic flirtation-one nicer and more playful than his and Jared's to be sure, but similarly unrealized-or something beyond that. For all he knew, they'd been fucking the whole time Jeff was in LA filming Grey's. Jensen wouldn't have blamed her. So Jensen kept a close watch on the two of them, and on Katie's behavior in general, and he realized later that this was his mistake. He shouldn't have been so slow about things. If he'd wanted to charm Katie, he should have just done it, whether he could read her or not. He blamed his confusion and stupidity on the brain-cell-killing outfit she was wearing: a sequined black top stretched tastefully over her absolutely perfect breasts, the hem of which hovered over a teeny-tiny black skirt.

He'd met Katie a few times, well enough to carry on a conversation as long as he could stop staring at her tits, and that was pretty damn hard. Tonight, she was wearing more makeup than usual, dark around the eyes, and if she looked fresh and gorgeous with a clean face, with that dark makeup he found it impossible to think about anything but the smooth curve of her ass and what those eyes might look like clouded over with lust.

After watching her talking in Jared's ear, he didn't have to wonder what that face would look like. Whatever she'd said to him hadn't just been to turn him on-by the looks of it, she was already ahead of him, already flushed and jumpy, and it had very little to do with the alcohol. He might've been jealous that she chose Jared and not him-and he was-but he had often had the urge to drag Jared into his trailer, or the makeup room, or wardrobe, or the blue hotel set-anywhere he could pull those low-slung pants down over his hips and watch his cock pop out and take it down his throat, so he completely understood her lust.

Jared was only half drunk; Jensen could tell from the way his legs moved slow but steady. Jensen liked him this way. The alcohol made him look less nervous, more in control somehow. Part of that effect might've been his wardrobe. For no discernible reason, maybe to drive Jensen to distraction, he'd come to the party in a white button-down shirt, a tailored one from wardrobe, and a black pair of pants that managed to make him look like he did indeed have an ass. Part of Jared's sex appeal was his clumsy, oafish charm, but when he took care to be commanding and restrained and cool, it made it impossible for Jensen to function, given that most of the blood in his body tended to rush to his dick.

Jensen walked slowly through the kitchen so as not to be heard, but Jared and Katie were already through the next room and into the hallway beyond it. Watching Jared lean into the wall, his eyes wandering all over Katie's body appreciatively, Jensen almost forgot to look at Katie. Almost. She had this warm, mischievous smile on her face, and she said something to Jared he couldn't hear, but whatever it was made him arch his hips off the wall almost imperceptibly, and he lay his head back against the wall, exposing his long neck. Katie stepped forward, planting herself between those long legs of his until she had a hand on his neck, sliding under the collar of his shirt, then her hips connected with his and pushed him back into the wall. Jensen watched the two of them pause for a moment as she pulled his head down toward her lips and spoke something in his ear that made Jared's tongue dart out of his mouth as he pulled her tighter to his body just before he slid his lips over hers and his hands over her ass.

Jensen was at the far end of the dark room that stretched between the hallway and the brighter kitchen, standing just inside the doorway, and he found himself leaning into the doorframe for support, to steady himself, to not make any noise, to dear God remember to breathe. Holy fuck. He was painfully hard by this time, just from the strange double jealousy of watching Jared's hands on Katie and especially Katie's roaming over Jared's body unrestrained, so he let his cock rest against the doorframe, resisting the urge to grind even when he saw Katie grinding into Jared. His hand had wandered up the back of her skirt, pushing it up so far it revealed black lace panties that Jared's hands were already slipping under. They were frantically kissing now, and he watched their bodies rocking together, her head bobbing toward Jared's as her mouth took him in deeper every time, falling wide open, with her tongue sliding along his and disappearing into his mouth. Jensen could hear the wet suck of it, and he could almost feel the way Jared's head was twisting to capture more and more of Katie's lips.

Katie must've been a good kisser-he could tell from watching, when he wasn't watching Jared's hands on her ass and the way their hips were still crushing together-but he was almost overcome with curiosity about what Jared's mouth would taste like, how he kissed. Jensen didn't mind sloppy if it was as much fun as it looked like Katie and Jared were having. They had locked themselves together with utter abandon and he could imagine they would be happy to grope and kiss until they left bruises and claw marks and disheveled clothes.

Jared moved his mouth down to lick obscenely over Katie's neck while she writhed against him, those tits of hers straining against the fabric of her shirt. Jensen watched as Jared's face hovered at her collarbone, his eyes cast down at her chest, and it wasn't long before he was moving again, kissing her like he had before but slower, harder, while his hands finally left her ass. Her skirt remained pushed up, far enough that when Jared drew back his hips, Jensen could see Katie's panties just before she bucked into Jared again. She thrust into him and held her hips there as he finally slid his hands up the front of her shirt. Jensen watched him take both nipples at the same time and pinch them hard, eliciting the first real noise Katie had made since this whole thing started, but it was a noise Jensen was almost sure would bring half of the house running, but it didn't. That screaming moan-Jared's name, or the first half of it anyway-sent a shiver over Jensen's whole body, and he realized he was at this point simply humping into the doorframe, which was ridiculous. If he had the balls to stand there and watch-with Katie and Jared in his line of sight and a house full of people who might easily wander through the kitchen to the back of the house-there was no reason for him to stand there and come in his pants. He popped the button on his jeans and pulled his dick out, biting back a groan at the feel of his hands grasp the sensitive skin. He was dangerously close to the border between pleasure and pain, so he stroked himself in earnest, because taking his time was not an option anymore.

Jared was still teasing Katie's nipples, and it seemed damn near close to orgasmic for her judging from the faces she was making. She had her body shoved up as close to him as she could get, only admitting his hands between them, then her own as she worked the fly of his pants open. Those black slacks slipped down just far enough to reveal the bulge in his black boxer-briefs, but as Katie curled her fingers under the waistband, Jared apparently decided to finally force down the neckline of her shirt until he could take one of her nipples in his mouth. This time, absolutely no sound came out of her mouth, just a gasp of air, followed by another as Jared pulled up the front of her skirt and skimmed a hand down into her panties.

After that kind of assault, Katie didn't waste any time in drawing Jared's cock out of his pants and running her thumb over the head. Jared just hissed fuck and Jensen couldn't stop it. He came over his hand with a grunt that should've been too loud, but Katie and Jared were too busy nosily kissing again and trying to make each other come to hear him. Jensen stroked himself slowly now, his cock already softening under his hand, as he watched Katie's smaller hand encircling Jared's thick cock, pink and dripping. They had a rhythm going, and it was messy and hard and mesmerizing. Jensen tucked himself back into his pants and leaned his head against the doorframe, spent and fascinated, ready to see how this all played out, then he heard a sudden sigh come from the other side of the room.

Jensen's head whipped around but the room was large and the far side of it was pitch dark. For a moment, he didn't know what to do, even if he was relatively certain of who was in the room with him. He had to think of how to play this. His heart beat up into his throat as he stood there deliberating. He held his breath as he watched Jared come in Katie's hands with a God, yes and fall still against the wall, much like Jensen had. When he saw Jared drop to his knees and begin to work Katie's panties off, he pulled himself away from the doorframe and crossed into the dark part of the room.

He only vaguely knew where the furniture was, but if he was right about who would sit there in a darkened room in this house and watch him jerk off, he knew where he'd be sitting-in the chair in the corner. As he got hear where he thought it would be, a hand caught him, sure but trying not to startle him, and pulled him forward until they were knocking knees. Then came a quiet rumble of a sound, almost more felt than heard, and the silent watcher stood up and suddenly filled up all the space around him with spicy cologne, thick limbs, and a husky voice. Good show?, he whispered.

Jensen let a hand drift down between them to find Jeff predictably hard. He hoped Jeff could feel him smirk against his neck when he said, Seems to have been.

You think you can make me come before she does?

Jensen dropped to his knees and Jeff was already unzipping, and he let his cock hang there for Jensen's mouth to swallow down. Jeff smelled so strongly of arousal Jensen was surprised the scent hadn't crossed the room. He seemed to have more patience than Jensen, not touching himself this whole time, but it meant that when Jensen did finally get his tongue on the man's cock, Jeff's whole body bucked and he took hold of Jensen by the hair, slowing him down for a moment or two before setting his head in motion again.

He couldn't hear Katie and Jared anymore. He wondered if Katie's hands were in his hair, if she was as wet as Jeff was quickly becoming. When he heard a low moan from Katie, Jeff's cock twitched in his mouth and Jensen did his best to ride out that peak until he had Jeff fucking his mouth in controlled but quick thrusts. Jeff's breath grew louder and louder, and as Jensen felt him start to go over the edge, he heard the sound of bodies moving down the hallway. He sucked hard without any finesse, but it did the trick-Jeff shot off down his throat as Jared and Katie stumbled into the room. Jeff stood there with his hands dug into Jensen's shoulders, his hips still and quiet but his dick still in Jensen's mouth. Jensen sucked and licked him steadily, still swallowing down his come. He hoped like hell they didn't wander over to the dark side of the room.

They didn't have to. Jared got to the doorway that lead into the kitchen, then he said in a low and purposefully sultry voice, You could've come and joined us, Jenny.

Jensen was never one for a quick comeback, and he was about to curse this deficiency when Jeff gave a low laugh and said, Jenny's a little occupied at the moment, Jare.

Jensen watched Katie's eyes grow wide. Jared only raised his eyebrows, trying not to look impressed or shocked or chagrined, though he must've been all three. Then Katie giggled and said, I knew you were a kinky bastard, Jeff.

Jensen could hear the smile on Jeff's face: You might've told me you were, darlin'.

Her eyes sparkled and she grinned, but she didn’t say anything before she disappeared around the corner.

Jared was about to do the same when Jensen said, 'Night, Jare.

Jared peered into the darkness, somehow finding Jensen's eyes. His expression was inscrutable. With a sigh and a shake of his head, he followed Katie into the kitchen.

Jeff zipped himself up again. He said, When are you two gonna fuck already?.

A little hard to do that when you bring Katie Heigl to a party.

Oh, I think it's more than a little hard with Katie here, he said, still laughing.

And Jared?

Jeff slid up to him and said in his ear, He's pretty, I give him that. But my eyes have been on a certain blonde all night.

Then Jeff stepped around him and went into the kitchen without looking back. Jensen wondered vaguely if he should be flattered or insulted.

pairing: jared/jensen, pairing: jaff/jensen, rpf: other, pairing: jared/katherine, rpf: cw, total trash

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