Title: The Girl Who Isn't Kate
Pairings: Shannon/Jack/Kate, with J/K/S and mentions of Shannon/Boone
Rating: PG-13 for mostly language
Summary: What Shannon sees when she watches Jack and Kate. Set mid season one. 2400 words.
Note: This is for Queen
didibreakit. I've been out of practice lately with the Jack/Kate, so I thought I'd get back into it,
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Comments 15
excellent fic, as always. you are amazing ♥
*giggles* that was classic Sawyer.
I really liked Shannon in this story...maybe a Shannon/Jack relationship should've happen on the show. Don't get me wrong I kinda liked Shannon/Sayid relationship, but....Shannon needed...oh hell forget both Jack and Sayid, she needed a smartass like Sawyer. Every woman Everyone on that island needs a little Sawyer lovin'. LOL Or at least I wanna see/watch a little Sawyer lovin' that doesn't include the theft of a gun.
I should really stop rambling now. Loved the story like usual....
Or at least I wanna see/watch a little Sawyer lovin' that doesn't include the theft of a gun. Here's hoping we get that next season. (Although, it took them two seasons to let anybody get any on camera, so I'm not holding my breath.)
Umm...this was supposed to be a reply to your comment about the story, wasn't it? :) Thanks for reading it!
haha...it's ok, I tend to ramble on and on at times as well. ;-P Thanks for writing it.
Jack/Shannon makes me so happy! I know this is only a one-parter, but is there any chance I could plea and beg you to write more? Your Shannon is so perfect and I love how she sees Jack, sees all of them, really. Your descriptions of Jack were just completely fantastic and Sawyer and his "come-fuck-me-darlin'" twang were also beyond great. I would love to see Jack and Shannon explore each other more and for Kate become the girl who isn't Shannon. *makes puppy dog face*
thanks for this wonderful story! :)
I'm really glad you thought this story worked. I thought maybe it was too jumbled up with characters and issues to work very well. Thanks for the feedback, dear! ♥
You know, as much as he may be screwed up, Sawyer really was like Shannon, more than she may have cared to think of..both smartasses, both on the outside, both misunderstood.
Loved this!!!
As someone once said in comments to a Jack/Shannon story, Shannon is so much like Sawyer that nobody around here should object to writing her with Jack. Can you imagine, though, the snarking if Sawyer and Shannon ever got together. :D
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