randomness: MCR, TV. teaching

Sep 26, 2010 21:27

I'm way behind on reading. If you've written MCR fic over the last week or so, I'm sorry I haven't read it yet. I haven't been in a fic reading frame of mind. And quite frankly I feel like I'm already behind the curve on this killjoys stuff. But I'm super excited about the energy of the new song, and I'm headed for your stories soon.

I'm also apparently going to write Summer of Like fic? I have a prompt, and I have an idea. I just have to (a) get back into the groove with writing, especially band boys and (b) get inside the head of Mr. Wentz. *flails* (Random question: was Mikey fucked up or sober during that period? I'm so bad with bandom canon, especially with the My Chem boys.)

I think I will be watching Hawaii Five-O. They're all so very pretty. *nods*

Glee was better than the review I read beforehand led me to believe. That'll teach me to read reviews! Quinn Fabray is trying to worm her way into my muse in serious fashion. I love her.

I didn't realize how much I missed Bones until it was back! (I just wish I didn't have cognitive dissonance about Ms. Daisy Wick, since I've been watching that actress as a blonde cootch dancer on Carnivale.)

I've been remiss in my classic Doctor Who watching (mainly because I ran out of Tom Baker eps on InstantWatch and Peter Davidson just did not grab me right out of the gate). Of course, now there's a shit ton of new TV to watch on Hulu, yay! But I'm definitely feeling like writing DW. I might try some drabble-like creatures. Someone cheer me on?

And finally, cookies don't at all make up for having to grade my students' essays. Especially when one of them refers to the Dalai Lama as Mr. Lama. *facepalm* Beer helps, though.


fandom: glee: s2, fandom: bones, randomosity, fandom: doctor who, we hates students, fandom: hawaii five-o

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