random Lost finale notes

May 23, 2010 21:21

9:15 CT -- first time crying like a baby...at fucking Charlie/Claire. Srsly, show! (Although Sayid/Shannon almost got me, and I've been all verklempt several times.)

And, Jack Shepherd, you are not allowed to steal Richard Cypher's jump-n-slash move. *shakes head*


9:35 CT -- crying ridiculously again, this time proving Jaters never die. GOD.

9:45 CT -- screamed bloody murder when James looked up and Juliet was there, even though I knew she would be (almost as loudly as I screamed when she first came on the screen and I realized she was Jack's friendly ex-wife); literally got chills when they fell into each others' arms and he said, "I got you, baby."

10:00 CT -- Jack, you're fucking killing me, dude. "It has to be you." *sobs*

10:15 CT -- And now I'm crying over Benjamin fucking Linus.

10:30 CT -- Okay, so I pretty much haven't stopped crying since Jack started talking to Christian. But Jack hugging Boone has, I think, sent me into a crying jag the likes of which I haven't seen since Harry Potter book 7.


fandom: lost: s6

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