Lost drabble: What It Hinges On (Frank, Sun; pg)

Mar 08, 2010 14:44

Title: What It Hinges On
Characters: Frank, Sun
Rating: pg
Summary/Note: For lost_in_108, prompt #23 - entangled. Spoilers for "Namaste" (5.09).

What It Hinges On

He thinks this would be easier with whiskey. Wouldn't make any more sense, but at least he'd be able to cope. He doesn't know how Sun stands with her spine so straight, looking out of cool eyes at things he still can't wrap his mind around.

Don't get him wrong - since he's caught himself up in all of this, he's glad he's caught up with her. He just wishes she didn't seem so much like Linus: like a trap you know is set, but it somehow surprises you when it springs shut.

Like an oar cracking the back of your skull, the thing even Linus can't see coming.


fic: lost, gen: lost, challenge: lost in 108

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