am way behind. also, i can has a new cat. and writer's block.

Jun 29, 2009 23:36

Gone all weekend. Got a new cat (and when I can get my best friend [who unlike me is not a luddite] to come take pictures of her, I'll post them). The cat was living as a foster at my mom's. She's full grown, but she's tiny--and adorable (white with tabby patches), and right now she's cowering under the bed. She's locked up in the computer room, where she's being quarantined from the other cat until they get used to the idea of each other and can be socialized.

The kitty likes me but is really not happy with the existence of my other cat (for all she has only seen her feet from under the door, lol), so when I come in to visit, she's excited to see me, circling my feet and meowing, then she picks up my other cat's scent and starts growling and hissing and biting my toes. It's sort of adorable and confusing (and worrying), and I do hope she eventually adjusts. I think she will; I just have to be patient. (She lived in a house with three other cats, so she's theoretically used to sharing and to not being the alpha.) If the growling is the negative side, there's plenty of positive. For instance, she endured the 6 hour car ride here just fine. We think she's part Siamese, so she's not scared of much, just annoyed when things don't go her way. ;)

Anyway, I had a lovely break from the internets. Need a longer break, though, I think. I've been in a writing slump lately and I've decided I'm just putting too much fucking pressure on myself. Asking for prompts and attempting to battle with porn is making it worse rather than better. Sigh. It's one of those things where you've got ideas aplenty, but they just won't translate to words. And I've had this problem for like a month and a half. *frowns*

Anyway, I'll be just reading and playing catch-up for the next little while, but I may be even more quiet than usual on the posting front. Just FYI.

kitty!, writing

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