(no subject)

Apr 16, 2009 22:21

Jon's not ashamed to admit he thinks it's pretty fucking hot that Spencer's taller than he is, especially when Spencer's got him shoved back into the side of the bus, hips pinning his and two hands anchored to his neck as he kisses him deep, tasting of peppermint gum and chapstick.

So much of the time, Spencer looms over Jon, caging his body with his-even in subtle ways, like when they're standing in line somewhere, maybe waiting to get their room keys or a table at a restaurant, and Spencer's arm slides around his waist. It looks casual, but it feels secure and maybe even a little possessive. It's just his arm, but it feels like all of him, like something just as overwhelming as what he's doing right now: framing Jon's shoulders with his chest, thighs bracketing one of Jon's as he presses closer and closer as if to say, I've got you. And not in a sweet, reassuring way (even if it does reassure him).

Just a few minutes ago, Jon had been minding his own business walking and talking with Ryan when Spencer floated up beside them and hooked his finger into one of Jon's belt loops. He was trying too hard for nonchalant in a way that didn't fool Jon, so it couldn't have fooled Ryan. But he just walked with them for a couple of minutes and calmly listened to them talk. When there was a break in conversation, though, he slowly, casually began to pull Jon away.

"Can I borrow my boyfriend?" he'd said sweetly, but by now Jon could feel tension practically radiating from him. It shouldn't have shocked him when a few steps later Spencer suddenly jerked his arm and dragged him behind one of the busses and stepped into his space and said, "C'mere, fuck," just before he kissed the breath out of his lungs.

Jon likes it when Spencer's suddenly so fucking passionate, like he couldn't wait any longer. He likes it when he takes control, takes what he wants. But, really, the best thing about Spencer is how he can be totally serious about manhandling Jon or making Jon's eyes cross with lust, but he isn't too serious. He doesn't mind that Jon's pulling his mouth away, gasping a breath, pressing his face against Spencer's neck and giggling.

"Jesus," Jon mutters, giggling some more. But that's mostly because he's trying to cover how fucking shaky he is, vibrating with need when not five minutes ago he was perfectly cool and laid back and not even thinking about sex. That, actually, is the very best thing about Spencer, how quickly he can turn Jon inside out.

One of Spencer's hands slides around the back of his neck, firm and steadying, and Jon can feel him smiling, but Spencer still pitches his voice low and dark as he says:

"I can jerk you fast and rough or blow you fast and sloppy. What do you want?"

Jon feels a shudder go through him, but he just smiles wide.

"Well," he says as he rubs his face along the soft scratch of his beard, loving the way it trails down his neck. He nips at his throat, just a little, and says, "What if I wanted slow?"

"You are always so fucking difficult," Spencer replies, but he doesn't sound the slightest bit annoyed. His voice is warm, thick with sex and promise. He's tugging open Jon's jeans now, and he's got his hand down Jon's pants when he adds, "Except when we're fucking. And then you'd do any goddamn thing I wanted."

It's too much-Spencer's firm, hot grip and his smirking smile. Jon likes it when Spencer's in control, but he tends to lose his fucking mind when Spencer's all cocky about it.

His hands had been settled at Spencer's waist, but now he brings them down to his ass and squeezes hard even as he thrusts up into Spencer's hands.

Jon says, "Then don't ask me what I want. Just do it."

So Spencer starts jerking him in earnest, rough, strong hand in a tight grip around Jon's slick, hot cock. It's pretty much what Jon wanted anyway, to get off but to also keep Spencer up there with him, crowding over him, pushing against him. Talking.

"Hotel in two days," he murmurs in Jon's ear. "And then I'll go so slow you'll be begging me to let you get off. I'll fuck you so good you'll walk a little funny the next day, and everybody will probably know why. Does that bother you?"

"Hell, Spencer," Jon says as calmly as he can, trying to sound both lazy and seductive despite the way his breathing's threatening to turn to a desperate pant, "it wouldn't bother me if everybody on the whole tour came back here and saw what you're doing to me."

At that, Spencer whimpers, but he looks half annoyed at the way Jon's using his thing for getting caught against him. Spencer gives him a deep, hard kiss, but Jon tears his mouth away pretty quickly and sinks his teeth into Spencer's shoulder.

"Fuck," he moans, leaving his face buried there. "Don't stop."

"No," he replies, still jerking, and Jon can feel his eyes on him, watching his face, watching his own hand.

"Make me come and I'll blow you."

"Shit," Spencer swears, and now he's pressing a little closer and sort of grinding against Jon's thigh. Now that-that's really and truly the best thing about Spencer, the way his control just crumbles sometimes, and he lets it. He likes this dominance game, but he seems to like it best when there's a little take mixed in with the give. He probably wouldn't mind if Jon took charge a little, threw him up against the side of the bus and kissed him until he practically begged for it.

Never quite begging, though. Not for himself anyway. But he's never shy about begging for Jon to come.

"You're so good with your mouth," Spencer says. "Been thinking about you all fucking day. Thinking about fucking you."

"Spence," he whines.

"C'mon. Wanna see you come."

"Fuck," Jon whimpers, and he feels his head knock back against the bus as he comes and comes in Spencer's hand.

Jon's barely coherent and he's barely got himself tucked back into his pants when he drops to his knees. Sure, he could've gotten rough with him if he wanted, repay the handjob in kind, but he really loves doing this. Spencer looks even taller like this, looming over him.

Spencer's patient, licking Jon's come off his hand and closing his eyes and waiting for Jon to get his pants open. But when Jon takes him in his mouth, his other hand reaches down and threads into Jon's hair, to hold him exactly where he wants him.


pairing: jon/spencer, rpf: bandom: patd

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