Lost 5.03-5.05 ("Jughead" through "This Place is Death")

Feb 16, 2009 23:13

Sorry I haven't been commenting on each ep as it passes. I've been getting behind and then watching a couple eps in a row, long after the fact. I find I enjoy TV more when I can take it at my pace. And it's always nice to watch it all in one big OMGWTF chunk. :)

I'm loving this season, just so you know. I think the pacing of the story is excellent (especially compared to previous seasons--I'm looking at you, season three!), and what a story! Sure, it's crazysauce in a blender--although if you're still around, I assume you've accepted that Lost shifted from a realistic, Lord of the Flies thing to a wacky-ass sci-fi-adventure thing and you're cool with that--but it's so meticulously built, and it's never boring.

Even better, I'm rooting for these characters, each and every one. I don't even mind the gimmick of the flashes. Okay, so each episode is like old home week now (look, it's young Charles Widmore! look, it's pregnant Rousseau!), but even that works for me because 1) the writers have earned it--now's the time for paying off all the years of mythology building, 2) the contrivances work into the plot, and 3) it's interesting as hell.

The only problem is what to write. I'm feeling connected to the characters again, but there are so many stories and they're all so connected to the general mythology of the island that I'm having a hard time narrowing things down. I've decided to write some post-episode snippets this week for "TPiD." I've already settled on Kate, young!Danielle, Juliet, and Jin as characters to focus on. Anybody else got any ideas for a character-based thing to take a (short!) stab at?

And then there's this Juliet/Sawyer that's screaming at the muse. Screaming, I tell you. I'm so so interested in the dynamic Juliet and Sawyer have going on, how she can just calmly turns her blue eyes on him, call him by his real name in that cool, low voice of hers, and he just grunts and frowns but pretty quickly calms and obeys. Shit, I sometimes hate hate hate fucking with s/D themes in fic (it's so hard to pull of well!), but tell me those two aren't begging for something like that. And I don't even mean some random, kinky half-PWP thing, but a serious story about the psychology of it. If you've seen such a thing around, and done well, I'd love to know about it. Yes, I'm a shameless whore begging for links. Because I'd love to see it, but I don't have a clue in the world how I'd even begin to write it.

writing, fandom: lost: s5

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