BSG flisters: prompt me with characters?

Feb 08, 2009 15:11

I wanna write some BSG this week. (Actually, I wanted to last week, too, but I was behind on my viewing. Not anymore.) Shock of all shocks, but I want to write from current canon, from season 4.5 more generally and perhaps from where we left off Friday.

I'm writing drabbles. Character-focused gen only (although most characters' stories involve their relationships with others, so I would no more ignore the pairings in their lives than I would the friendships). I can't promise every character will speak to me, but if there's someone you'd like to see me attempt a drabble for, please make suggestions in comments below, keeping in mind that the drabbles I write might contain spoilers up through "Blood on the Scales."

But please do not ask me to write Adama or Roslin. They have epic lives and fierce hearts and iron wills that I can't begin to imagine my way into. And why would I? How would I improve on what we see on the screen? Anyone else is fair game, though. Except Diana Seelix.


fandom: bsg: s4, prompts, writing

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