(no subject)

Dec 28, 2008 19:23

Damn you, ABC! I will not be sucked into The Sound of Music. Will. Not.

*shakes fist*

(Okay, so bandom folk...Brendon is Maria, right? And then there could be CaptainVonTrapp!Ryan? Perfect, yes?

I keep thinking of the scene where Ilsa would tell Brendon to put on that dress he was wearing the other day, when Captain Ross couldn't take his eyes off him. *giggles* Not that I'd want to read such a thing. *cough*linkmeifsomeonediditalready,'kay?*cough*

Seriously, y'all: can't you see Brendon giving himself a little sigh and crossing himself and saying, "God bless Kurt"? You know, after he pulled down the curtains to make play clothes out of them, lol.

Ah, God. *iz insane*)

the brain-eating urie monster, randomness, bandom

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