why does comment porn always get away from me?

Dec 16, 2008 19:46

R; 1000 words.
For themoononastick, because I'm a slave-driver and a miserable, distracting tease.
Just working out some dynamics here, really.

Brendon's back trembles. It always does, even when he's relaxed, slick and open, pushing back against Ryan's fingers. Ryan's always wanted to be able to do something about that, but he only has so many hands.

This is all so much easier now that Jon's with them.

Jon has a dirty mouth, filthy even, but there's still something so strangely calming about him when they're all naked like this, unable to stop touching each other. He's got the steadiest hands Ryan's ever known. Brendon's are all groping and sudden, and that's good. It's the quickest way to make Ryan's skin flush and his dick hard. Brendon's always been good at flipping some switch in him, one that doesn't just turn him on but makes him confident and aggressive and rough, like they both need. But they need more than that, and Ryan's never been good at slowing down, paying attention instead of just desperately feeling everything; neither of them have. Maybe they didn't know how before.

Brendon's back has always trembled, but Ryan didn't have to worry about it when everything was trembling, the world spinning out of control with them at the center of it. He doesn't have to deal with it now, actually. As he works Brendon open, with a thoroughness that feels suspiciously like devotion, Jon's there too, and his hand smoothes down Brendon's spine, tracing the bumpy lines of it and settling in the hollows beside it, his palm stretching out flat to sweep back and forth across the small of his back, lower and lower until Brendon's head drops, and there-he's even more open now. Soon, Jon nudges Brendon, and Ryan lets him turn over.

As Ryan pushes in, he's still all to aware of how different this is, and not just because Jon's crawling onto the bed behind him, bare warm chest to his back, dick rutting against his ass, hand slipping around his waist and settling in the short hair just above his dick, so Jon can feel every jerk of his muscles as he thrusts his hips forward in long strokes. One time, Brendon said to Ryan, How is it he can, like, not even be doing anything, really, but it makes you want… God, I don't even know, Ry. Ryan doesn't either. Jon's hand isn't moving, but that touch is exactly what's making him weak in the knees right now. And Brendon, beneath him. Brendon always used to keep his eyes screwed shut, even when he was on his hands and knees, but now he watches as Ryan's cock sinks into him and Ryan's hips fit up against his. It's Ryan who mostly keeps his eyes closed, feeling Brendon clutching around him and feeling Jon surrounding him, too, telling him in his ear all the things he's too afraid to see.

Ryan comes first. He always does. It used to be a contest he always lost, trying to make Brendon lose control first, or just at all. Now, he likes pulling out and seeing Brendon lying on his back, hard and stroking his own cock lazily while he waits. Jon doesn't get started until Ryan comes back from disposing of the condom. He likes Brendon to wait, and he wants Ryan to see. Ryan wants to see, too. He never knows what Jon will do. He and Brendon have their patterns, but Jon doesn't. Maybe he never will. It's a nice balance.

Often enough, Jon wants Ryan to fuck him, but sometimes he wants to fuck Ryan. In either case, Brendon likes to watch, more than any of them ever knew until now, so he's perfectly content to kiss and touch-and talk-while he jerks himself off. Brendon wouldn’t object to Jon taking him, too, before or after, but Jon rarely will. If he goes at Brendon, it's to splay his hands over his hips and hold him down while he sucks him off.

He looks like he's about to do that now, but Ryan catches this look in Brendon's eye, mischievous and determined. It's a good thing they learned a long time ago to communicate without talking, back when talking was always kind of perilous and they could always fool themselves that fucking wasn't. It isn't now, at least not for the same reasons. Ryan feels just as overwhelmed as he did back then, but in a different way, one that makes him eager to learn how to endure it.

Because this thing with him and Brendon, it's easier now. It works, and it's because of Jon. Jon fell into a mess of a relationship (because he couldn't not, he said) and somehow fixed it by being more steadfast than either of them deserved and more quietly stubborn than anyone knew was possible (because, he said, he needed it to work as badly as they did). Jon's always the most laid back of the three of them, even in the bedroom, but right now he's way too calm for a man who just watched Ryan crumple into Brendon's arms, breathing hard and almost laughing it feels so good.

Ryan does laugh when Brendon suddenly pulls Jon down on top of him, taking advantage of the element of surprise to roll him onto his back. Brendon's already pinning Jon's thighs to the mattress and his wrists above his head by the time Ryan joins them on the bed. Ryan doesn't say a word, but Brendon knows anyway. He shifts himself off of Jon's hips so Ryan can dip his head down and take Jon in his mouth. It doesn't take much of that, and of Brendon's mouth on Jon's neck, his voice in his ear, before Jon's squirming and whimpering. He always does that, right before he just lets it all go.


rpf: bandom: patd, threesome: brendon/jon/ryan

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